Our Horse Pasture Grass Seed Mix is mixture of non-GMO, all natural seeds decided on as secure for horses to graze. The seed is quick to grow and spread with right kind moisture and temperatures, growing high quantities of exceptionally nutritious grass that may be grazed or baled for hay. It grows well on all soil types and is drought and heat tolerant once established. Plant after last frost through summer. Get ready seed bed by calmly breaking the highest inch of soil then drag to level or press with a roller. Broadcast seed, then roll to press, or calmly drag to hide seed no deep than 1/4 inch deep. Accommodates Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, Teffgrass and Crabgrass.
Horse secure pasture grass seed mix to graze or bale for hay
10 lb bag plants 1 acre to grow high quantities of exceptionally nutritious grass
Sold in reusable vintage burlap bag printed with Horse Pasture Grass Mix logo
Mix Accommodates Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, Teffgrass and Crabgrass
Quick to grow and spread, drought and heat tolerant once established, grows well on all soil types
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