THEHOSTAFARM.COM is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
We have been handpicking only the best selling, most interesting, most desired, and just plain best products on the web.
We do not list products solely for a commission. Our goal is to show the best content possible, and if a product happens to have an affiliate program, we’ll apply it, but it has no impact on our decision making.
Affiliate links do not impact your cost as a consumer in anyway. Your cost to purchase goods is the same regardless of our affiliate links.
Many items listed on this site do return a small commission for product referral, however this is not the sole motivation for featuring an item. Our staff regularly lists products that we receive absolutely no compensation for.
We do not carry any of the products listed on the site, nor do we directly sell anything.