Most Popular Blue Hostas
Blue Angel
The blue angel hosta is one of the largest hosta varieties that you will find. The foliage can grow upto 2 and 1/2 feet tall and 6 feet wide. When it blooms, the flowers can stand up to four feet tall. This plant has large pointed leaves that are a silvery blue in color. The foliage is thick and cascades as it grows larger. This hosta thrives in full shade or partial sun. It needs regular watering, especially if it is being grown in a container.
Blue Mouse Ears
This variety is named for its leaves. Each leaf is a rounded heart shape that curls slightly making look very similar to mouse’s ears. The leaves are a striking blue-gray. In early spring the leaves have a white edge. This variety is on the diminutive side, growing only upto 7 inches tall and 12 inches wide. This hosta grows best in full shade or filtered sun. It requires regular watering, especially if it is being grown in a container.
Blue Elegans
This is a humongus variety of hosta. It stands between 1 and 3 feet tall and grows in clumps between 3 and 6 feet wide. It has large, smokey blue leaves with deep veins. The leaves have a slightly frosted look to them. The blue elegans grows lovely white flowers that grow taller than the foliage. It grows best in partial to full shade and needs regular watering. If you are going to divide the plant, it should be done in early spring or late summer.
Blue Cadet
The blue cadet hosta has blue-green, heart shaped leaves and is a large variety. It can grow upto 38 inches wide and 15 inches tall. As the summer progresses, the leaves of the blue cadet fade from their blue-green color to fully green. This hosta grows well in partial shade, it will also do well in full shade and in needs regular watering.
Fragrant Blue
This is a medium variety of hosta with chalky blue foliage. Unlike most blue hostas, the fragrant blue holds its blue color throughout the season because it continues to produce new foliage all season long. the older leaves will change to a blue-green, perhaps even completely green, but the new leaves will remain blue. At its maturity this hosta variety is 20 inches tall and 48 inches wide. This plant produces a light purple flower in late summer. It grows well in partial to full shade and should be watered regularly.
Bressingham Blue
The leaves of the bressingham blue hosta have very deep veins and are cup shaped. This is a very large variety of hosta; each leaf is approximately 15 inches long and 10 – 12 inches across. At maturity the plant will be 28 inches tall and 68 inches wide. It grows best in partial shade. However, if you wish for the plant to maintain its blue color for as long as possible, it should be grown in full early summer, this plant produces beautiful white flowers.