Golden Teacup

Hosta "Golden Teacup" review

12" tall. Light Shade. Small upright 12" clump of deeply cupped and puckered gold leaves. White flowers in July. Excellent substance but slow growing. Leaves are "teacup size". This introduction (Hosta 'Aspen Gold x 'Gold Regal') from the fabulous breeding program of AHS president, Jim Wilkins, makes an 18" wide clump of heavily corrugated thick round foliage. The foliage emerges bright gold in spring, then changes to chartreuse as the season progresses. In late spring, the clump is topped with 1' scapes of pure white flowers. Cupped and corrugated golden leaves have heavy substance and form a small clump. The classic upright shape is topped with white flowers in July. A small clump of deeply cupped and puckered medium gold leaves. Leaves are "teacup" size with excellent substance. It has white flowers in July. Classic upright form. Nicely cupped, corrugated leaves are a rich gold, heavily substanced. Limited supply on this outstanding plant. White flowers. Bright yellow, rounded, cupped. Almost folded at the mid rip. Heavily rugose. Wilkins hybrid of 'Aspen Gold' X 'Gold Regal' noted for its outstanding bright gold color and deep cupping; also excellent slug resistance.

Hosta "Golden Teacup" information:

Size Category small - medium
Hosta height x width 45x100 cm (18x39 in.) inches
Leaf length x width 18x15 cm (7x6 in.) inches
Vein pairs 12
Leaf color
Variegation viridescent
Leaf type heavy, cupped, corrugated
Petiole heavy, cupped, corrugated
Scape height
Flower white
Flower length
Flowering period July
Sports 'Gilded Teacup' sport/yg