Tongue Twister

Hosta "Tongue Twister" review

With its dark green leaves that twist upward out of the clump, this great little hosta looks as fresh in October as it does in May. It has great substance, rich color, and is cute to boot. The light purple scapes produce light lavender flowers in September and light purple pods in October. My best "long season" hosta, still green here in late November!

Hosta "Tongue Twister" information:

Size Category small
Hosta height x width 20x46 cm (8x18 in.) inches
Leaf length x width 15x7 cm (6x3 in.) inches
Vein pairs 6
Leaf color
Leaf type great, twisted, lance, very twisted, wavy
Petiole great, twisted, lance, very twisted, wavy
Scape light purple
Scape height 36 cm (14 in.)
Flower pale lavender
Flower length 4.5 cm (1.8 in.)
Flowering period August - September
Fertile yes
Pod purple
Progeny 'Twist Tie' = PP x ('Iwa' x 'Blue Blush')