Hosta "Stud Muffin" review

At First Look 8, George Donsky brought a really nice little gold plant that won a blue ribbon and received a lot of nice comment from the attendees. The indoor picture in this case doesn't do the plant justice. When it came time for the banquet at the end of the meeting, George found himself the only man at the table. The surrounding women decided George's nice little gold seedling shouldn't be going home from First Look without a name. George was powerless to stop them and they finally decided it should be called 'Stud Muffin'. We asked George just why that one was chosen and he just stayed mum and smiled. It seems to be the perfect choice for somone looking for a plant like 'Little Aurora' that will actually grow and do well in the garden. It is a cross of 'Midas Touch' x 'Tea and Crumpets'. George registered it 2009 and it already has a spot in the Hostapedia on page 903.

Hosta "Stud Muffin" information:

Size Category small
Hosta height x width 29x43 cm (11x17 in.) inches
Leaf length x width 11x11 cm (4x4 in.) inches
Vein pairs 9-10
Leaf color
Leaf type cupped, corrugated
Petiole cupped, corrugated
Scape green
Scape height 40 cm (16 in.)
Flower pale purple
Flower length 4 cm (1.6 in.)
Flowering period June - July
Fertile yes