Oh My Heart

Hosta "Oh My Heart" review

A Hosta with over 100 blooms per scape, displayed just above the heart shaped leaves! The leaves, by the way, are dark green and very puckered and heart shaped. I grow the plants in part sun and they "like" plenty of water. Plant displays tetraploid character, 300-400 tiny blooms on fasciated scapes.

Hosta "Oh My Heart" information:

Size Category medium
Hosta height x width 30x76 cm (12x30 in.) inches
Leaf length x width 15x14 cm (6x6 in.) inches
Vein pairs 7-8
Leaf color
Leaf type very corrugated, very cupped
Petiole very corrugated, very cupped
Scape fasciated,green
Scape height 36 cm (14 in.)
Flower pale lavender,tubular
Flower length 2.5 cm (1 in.)
Flowering period August
Fertile no
Ploidy 2-2-2