Jipson Place City Shadows

Hosta "Jipson Place City Shadows" review

Upright with overlapping streaks at the base. Dark margins against yellow center makes a striking display that catches your eye from a distance.

Hosta "Jipson Place City Shadows" information:

Size Category medium - large
Hosta height x width 60x140 cm (24x55 in.) inches
Leaf length x width 28x23 cm (11x9 in.) inches
Vein pairs 16
Leaf color
Variegation medio
Leaf type a bit cupped, a bit corrugated
Petiole a bit cupped, a bit corrugated
Scape green
Scape height 70 cm (28 in.)
Flower near white
Flower length 5 cm (2 in.)
Flowering period June - July
Fertile yes
Pod green