Flemish Sky

Hosta "Flemish Sky" review

The Hosta Flemish Sky is a very vigorous grower and a popular blue variety for pots. Flemish Sky has broad pointed blue leaves that are slightly cupped and wavy. A moderate grower reaching 12 inches in height and 18 inches across. Pale lavender flowers appear on 20″ scapes in late summer. Plants have very good substance protecting it from slugs and other garden pest.

Hosta "Flemish Sky" information:

Size Category medium
Hosta height x width 21x40 cm (8x16 in.) inches
Leaf length x width 12x7 cm (5x3 in.) inches
Vein pairs 7-8
Leaf color
Leaf type a bit cupped, wavy
Petiole a bit cupped, wavy
Scape green
Scape height 50 cm (20 in.)
Flower length
Flowering period August - September
Fertile yes
Pod green
Sports 'Flemish Clouds' sport/os 'Iron Sky' sport/bb