Product Information:
Common Name: Gardenia
Botanical Name: Gardenia vetchii
Mature Size: 3 feet
Flower Color: White
Bloom Form: Double
Fragrance: Intensely sweet
Recommended USDA Zone: 8, 9. 10
Soil Type: Fertile Well Draining
Soil PH: Acidic
Watering: Moderate
Special Features: Tough Resilient Plant, Grows on Own Roots, Very Fragrant
Suggested Uses: Shade Garden, Hedge Row, Mixed Perennials, Accent, Potted
House Plant Adaptive: No
Limited Conditional Warranty: Healthy Arrival
Extended Long Term Warranty: None
Country of origin: USA There are few plants that are more beautiful and rewarding to grow than Gardenias.
Vetchii is an old cultivar in an effort to grow well on it is own roots, is quick to establish and requires minimal care to produce a bounty of luxurious large, wonderfully fragrant, pure white flowers beginning in the late spring and lasting through mid summer. For the most productive results, plant well draining, fairly acidic soil, in a location that may be sheltered from hot afternoon sun. Suitable for planting in the landscape or as potted plant. Gardenias are very difficult to handle indoors, and are best brought inside when blooming and then returned to an outside environment.
Economical 4 Inch Starter Size Plant Growing In A 4 Inch Starter Size Pot. Plant will average 6 to 10 inches tall. No bloom or bud on arrival.
Large, intensely fragrant, double white flowers. Bloom in late Spring to Early Summer
Easy to grow, low maintenance plant when in the proper frivolously shaded environment. Not suitable for as a House Plant.
Great gift for any gardener
Really useful for USDA Zones 8, 9., 10
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