Blue Blazes

Hosta "Blue Blazes" review

Named because of its fast growth. Blue/green roundish heart shaped leaves. Near white flowers in June. Blue-green leaves with heavy corrugation and good substance; near-white flowers. A hybrid of Kevin Vaughn. Nicely rounded and crinkled large blue leaves with good growth rate, siebold-iana sized. Better growth rate than s. 'Elegans'. Lavender flowers with 38" scapes. Very cupped, very blue leaves on this very nice plant, topped with very lavender flowers.

Hosta "Blue Blazes" information:

Size Category medium - large
Hosta height x width 75x90 cm (30x35 in.) inches
Leaf length x width 33x28 cm (13x11 in.) inches
Vein pairs 11,16-18
Leaf color
Leaf type cupped, rugose, good
Petiole cupped, rugose, good
Scape height 95 cm (37 in.)
Flower deep lavender
Flower length
Flowering period June - July
Fertile yes
Sports 'Blue Blazes Splashed' sport/os 'Blue Blazes Streak' sport/os 'Blue Blazes Supreme' sport/os
Progeny 'Moongate Flying Saucer' = 'Serendipity' x PP 'Moongate Little Dipper' = 'Serendipity' x PP